Why should you become a better advocate?
Telling your story can make a real difference. Creating lasting change is not something that will happen in one weekend or even in one month. Real, lasting improvements come from policy changes, whether through court victories or the passage of new legislation and achieving those victories requires year-round efforts to learn about, and engage in, sustained advocacy efforts.
Learn effective strategies for advocating for more private school choice!
The MORE Network offers single-day and multi-part training sessions focused on helping you develop the tools you need to communicate the need for more school choice in Missouri with lawmakers, media, and community leaders.
We offer training on:
Public Speaking
30-second elevator speech
Written testimony
Guide to the Capitol
How to talk to legislators
How to influence policy
Media Training
How to engage print media
Prepare for TV Interview
How to get you message heard
Social Media
Leverage the power of Facebook
Learn how to use Twitter
Get a digital toolbox